Support Individual Professional Arts Organisations
Donegal County Council initiated its Strategic Partnerships Revenue Funding Programme in 2004 in response to the emergence of a growing number of independent, professionally managed, arts organisations in the county. Designed to support and strengthen a core network of strategic, local, independent arts organisations, and so secure the basis of a vibrant and stable arts sector in the county, the Programme was the subject of an action in ‘Saol agus Saoithiúlacht -Donegal County Council Cultural Services Strategic Plan 2001-2006’. That action provided for the development of ‘special, longer-term revenue funding agreements with a number of specific arts groups and arts initiatives, in recognition of the consistently high standards of artistic excellence and innovation which they have attained locally and nationally.’ The commitment to support professional arts organizations, and individual professional artists, is further emphasised in the current ‘Cultúr le Chéile: Strategic Plan for Culture Division 2022-2026’.
The Programme enables Donegal County Council to partner with other arts development agencies – i.e The Arts Council/An Comhairle Ealaion, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Local Development Companies (EU Leader Programme) – in the provision of direct revenue funding to a network of strategically important, independent, professionally managed arts organisations, in the county.
Among the professional arts organisations who have been assisted under the Scheme from the outset have been The Balor Arts Centre and Balor Developmental Community Arts (Ballybofey), The Abbey Arts Centre (Ballyshannon), Artlink (Fort Dunree, Buncrana), Ceardlann a’ Croisbhealach (An Gailearaí, Doire Beag), and Summer Palace Press (Cill Chartha).
For further Information on this Scheme, and on other funding schemes locally and nationally, which may be of benefit to professional arts organisations in the county, please contact the Arts Service.
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