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Archaeology of County Donegal

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Donegal County Museum contains an ever-growing collection of artefacts representing a wide range of periods and topics.

Designated Museum

The Museum is a ‘Designated Museum’ under the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997 and the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994. It is legally entitled to retain archaeological objects on behalf of the State. The National Museum of Ireland will only lend objects for display to Designated Museums.  Curators of Designated Museums are empowered to act on behalf of the Director of the National Museum to ensure that objects are investigated, reported and preserved as State property.

What is an “Archaeological Object”?

An Archaeological Object is an object " whether in a manufactured or partly manufactured or an unmanufactured state which by reason of the archaeological interest attaching thereto or of its association with any Irish historical event or person has a value substantially greater than its intrinsic (including artistic) value, and the said expression includes ancient human, animal or plant remains ". National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994.

All archaeological objects found with no known owner are the property of the State. If you find an archaeological object you must report the find to the National Museum of Ireland, a Designated museum (like Donegal County Museum) or to the Gardai.

Donegal County Museum Sketchfab Collection  

You can view some of Donegal County Museum's Archaeological Collection on Sketchfab, an online platform which allows you to view items in 3D digitally.  

View here
